UCCA Beijing


14:00 - 16:00

Location:  UCCA Auditorium
Language:  English with Chinese Translation.


Keren Cytter, over the last decade, has created a complex body of work, including a number of films, theater plays, published three novels and established D.I.E NOW theatre company(Dance International Europe Now).
Israeli born, NY based artist Keren Cytter’s Show Real Drama will be presented for the first time in Shanghai and Beijing as a part of the Take the Stage Over project. Shanghai and Beijing will for the first time Show Real Drama will be presented in Peng Hao Theater on March 31th
Karen Cytter’s first solo exhibition in China will be hosted by Magician Space, opening on March 30th 2012.

Conversation With Artist presented by UCCA will give an overview of the complex oeuvre that Keren Cytter has produced.


Keren Cytter was born 1977 in Tel Aviv, Israel. She lives and works in Berlin. In 2009 she was awarded the Absolut Art Award and shortlisted for the Preis der Nationalgalerie für junge Kunst in Berlin. In 2008 she received the Ars Viva 2008; Preis für Bildende Kunst des Kulturkreises der deutschen Wirtschaft, Berlin, and in 2006 the Baloise Art Prize in Basel.
Her recent solo exhibitions include , Keren Cytter – Avalanche, Stedelijk Museum , Amsterdam – NL,2011, The Hottest Day of the Year, Kunstverein Munchen, Munich – DE,2011,Keren Cytter – Avalanch, Pilar Corrias, London – UK,2011, Keren Cytter – Avalanche, David Roberts Art Foundation, London – UK,2011, Moderna Museet, Stockhol,2010
Her work was featured in Gwangju Biennale 2010, 53th Venice Biennale,2009, Generational- Younger then Jesus Triennale at New Museum 2009, Yokohama Triennale 2008, Manifesta 7, 2008.
Her play History in the Making, or the Secret Diaries of Linda Schultz with the dance company D.I.E. was presented at Tate Modern, London, Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin and Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven.
She is author of a number of books including Keren Cytter: The amazing true story of Moshe Klinberg…, (limited edition, Paris 2009),Keren Cytter: The seven most exciting hours of Mr. Trier′s life in twenty-four chapters, (Rotterdam, 2008) and recent book White Diaries published by CCA Kitakyushi. Cytter also started dance and theatre company D.I.E in 2008.


Moderator: Biljana Ciric


Sponsor: Goethe Institute (China)