UCCA Beijing


14:00 - 16:00

Location:  Caochangdi
Language:  Chinese and English.


This inside tour program will bring you to a growing art village, on March 17. With three selected representative galleries UCCA membership department chose for you. We will deliver a most efficient visit to the “back yard of 798”, which is full of creativities, freedom and most active area where most of featured artists are based in. The artist Yan Lei whom attends”2012 Basel Art Fair” as honored host of the program, invites you to preview the artworks he brings to the event.

*Reservations required.
Please send mail to members@ or call 57800291 before Mar 14 (Thu).


Yan Lei, Born in 1965 in Hebei, Graduated from Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (the present China Academy of Art) and now living in Beijing and Hong Kong.

Artist Yan Lei is a star in China’s contemporary art circle because of the unconstrained style of his art creations. His works is famous for the psychedelic colors and dim images. His sharp criticism of contemporary art has the same attraction.

Yan Lei's most famous work “Sparkling” uses the form of pop art to convey the artist's understanding of contemporary Chinese society. The artist also advanced this concept to the creation of other related areas, including the creation of a magazine named “Spark”.

The artist has participated in group exhibitions both abroad and in China. Main Solo Exhibitions include:
2008 Sparkling, Aspen Art Museum, USA
2007 “Yan Lei One – Man Show”, Robert Miller Gallery, New York
2006 Super Lights- Hong Kong, Hong Kong Art Centre &Gallery on Old Bailey
2005 Super Lights, Gallery Urs Meile, Lucern, Switzerland
2003 “Climbing Space”, Gallery Urs Meile, Lucern, Switzerland
2002 “Yan Lei One – Man Show”, Gallery Loft, Paris

About the UCCA Members Insider Tours Service

“Inside Tour” of UCCA Members will keep bringing exciting tour to most of developing art destinations in Beijing. Our professional team will invite at least one honored host, who are gallery founders, curators, or artists. They would share unique aspect and experiences, to insight this mystery contemporary art scene.