UCCA Beijing

Art Publication as Methodology


Location:  Auditorium
Language:  Chinese only

The 2016 French edition of LEAP “Au sommet, le Verbe: Arts et Traduction” focuses on the three-fold significance of translation as at once an aesthetic concept, a cultural phenomenon, and an artistic practice, and proposes a framework for discussion on Chinese contemporary art that taps into the more profound and subtle aspects of cultural exchange.

For the third in a series of conversations about the issue “Au sommet, le Verbe: Arts et Traduction,” renowned graphic designer and LEAP French edition creative director Yang Linqing will join LEAP French edition Editor-in-Chief He Jing at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA), for an extensive discussion on their experiments in editorial content design and methodological innovations in publishing the issue “Au sommet, le Verbe: Arts et Traduction.”

Ticketing: Free


*Collect your ticket from reception 45 minutes before the event begins;

*Please no late entry;

*Seating is limited, and tickets must be collected individually;

*Please keep mobile devices on silent.

UCCA Membership Benefits

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For this event, UCCA members will enjoy:

• Exclusive seats reservation service

• Members-only guided tour

For UCCA members, please send us your name and mobile number to RSVP (ve@ or call UCCA membership hotline: +86 10 5780 0200


13:00-13:20 Ticket pick-up at the reception desk (for UCCA members who RSVPed)

13:20-13:50 Exclusive UCCA members-only guided tour

13:30-14:00 ticket distribution at the reception desk (for UCCA members who didn’t RSVP and non-members)

14:00-16:00 Conversation

*Please arrive promptly.


Yang Linqing

Yang Linqing is a graphic designer and publisher. He graduated from Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University and l’École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. Yang founded his personal studio in Beijing in 2007, which in 2017 tranformed into Suntree, a publish and design institute. He currently works on projects including curating, editing, and designing for publications, and researches dedicated to media application and graphic information communication of Chinese and western fonts.

He Jing

He Jing is an art critic and curator based in Beijing. She works currently as deputy editor in chief of LEAP international edition and editor in chief of LEAP French edition. Her long-term efforts in art field revolves around discussion and aesthetic research of contemporary visual materials in the arena of knowledge and ideology.
