UCCA Beijing

China New Design Series UCCASTORE Featured: From Vintage Culture and Music

16:00 - 17:30

Location:  UCCA Auditorium
Language:  Chinese only


As the youngest designer in UCCASTORE@DESIGN, and with his style of unique design, Li Yunze has been widely received by the public. After he graduated with a major in Law, he started to create his own brand TACITURNLI, which has now matured into a collection of three seasons of design.

In this talk, we are going to invite Li Yunze and his friend Jian Cui to talk about the influence of Vintage culture and the music over the younger generation.


Li Yunze, born in Beijing in 1990, graduated with a law degree but is now a fasion designer. He first became entranced by retro styles in middle school, when gym sneakers started to catch his eye, and he began following different fashion brands and gathering inspiration. After a few years, he launched his own brand.

Liu Ke is a vintage fanatic. He is currently in charge of Mega Mega Vintage, which is aimed at popularizing and promoting the value of vintage culture in China.

Bad FM is an Internet radio station founded by Wangshuo and Wusanwuwu. Through its playlists of music and documentary stories, Bad FM has become extremely popular both on Douban FM and iTunes and generated over 2000 online mentions in China.


Project Manager: Nie Xiaojin