UCCA Beijing

Filmmaker Forum: Lü Yue-An Unconventional Approach


Cinema Arts
Location:  UCCA Art Cinema
Language:  In Chinese Only

Cinematographer and director Lü Yue is joining cinema writer Xu Xiaodong on “Filmmaker Forum: Lü Yue – An Unconventional Approach” at UCCA Art Cinema, sharing their thoughts on the cinematic practice, and especially the directorial experience of the current “Filmmaker in Focus”. In her book An Unconventional Approach: Lü Yue as Film Director, Xu Xiaodong described Lü as a gigantic “complex of contradictions”. Constantly involved as cinematographer with major commercial productions, Lü has also been conducting his independent practice as director.

This distinctive character makes him irreplaceable in the “Fifth Generation” of Chinese cinema. In her interviews with Lü, Xu managed to approach both the hand holding the camera, and the mind behind it, establishing a panorama of this filmmaker of our time.

The forum is in conjunction with the retrospective screening of Lü Yue’s director works, fully unpacking the “complex of contradictions” for the audience in Beijing.


Lü Yue

Cinematographer and director of the “Fifth Generation”. He was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Cinematography for Zhang Yimou’s film Shanghai Triad. His director works include Thirteen Princess Trees (2006), The Obscure (2006), and documentary Nujiang, La Vallée Perdue (1989), among others.

Xu Xiaodong

Associate Professor in the Department of Film and Video at China Academy of Art. Researcher, screenwriter, and novelist.


Xie Meng (Art cinema programmer, UCCA)

Organized by

UCCA Art Cinema