UCCA is proud to present the public program series of “ON | OFF: China’s Young Artists in Concept and Practice”, consisting of “Self-Made, Self-Said” and “Ways and Means.” Chinese artists born after 1975 represent a striking diversity of practices and positions with methodologies distinct from any of the previous generations.
They competitively put their arguments forward, stepping up as a brave new driving force. In this series, titled “Ways and Means”, the curators invite key artists of “ON | OFF” to join them in discussions concerning their respective practice and methodology. Grouped by the topic, the artists will reveal creative microcosms through talks and forums.
As the opening session of the series, “Art in Social Systems” in vites artists, Wu Junyong, Li Fuchun, and Li Liao to share their experiences interacting with macro-social systems by using social media and e-commerce platforms as means of conducting or distributing their works, as well as discuss the responses and consequences triggered in both the social and art systems.
GUEST: Wu Junyong, Li Fuchun, Li Liao
Bao Dong(curator)
Sun Dongdong(curator)