UCCA Beijing

The Socio-spatial Transition of Beijing Book Launch & Forum


Location:  UCCA Auditorium
Language:  Chinese with English simultaneous translation

In its evolution from an imperial capital to the capital of a people’s republic, Beijing has undergone tremendous upheavals against a backdrop of radical and far-reaching changes in the relationship between society and space. Puzzling out the structural factors that are ushering in this transition will not only help in understanding and reflecting on the spatial revolutions this city has been through over the past one hundred years, but also open up hitherto undiscovered potential for future urban planning. In his new book, Che Fei sets forth an innovative theory of the uses of urban space, pinpointing the internal factors that have determined Beijing’s socio-spatial development from the late Qing dynasty to the present day. In this forum, Che will discuss his new book The Social-spatial Transition of Beijing: A Fundamental Concept of City Spaceology, as well as the latest findings and best practice examples in this field with a panel of seminal philosophers, architects, town and country planners, and critics.


*Please bring an ID card to rent simultaneous interpretation equipment. Equipment rental is free.

*No late entry.



Book introduction with author Che Fei, moderated by Tang Keyang


Panel Discussion I: The Transformation of City and Space in Beijing

Moderator: Wang Mingxian

Speakers: Che Fei, Li Qi, Zhu Jiaguang

14:30-15:30 Panel Discussion II: The Transformation of Society and Space in Beijing

Moderator: Shi Jian

Speakers: Che Fei, Cao Xiaoxin, Tang Keyang, Wang Min’an

15:30 - 16:00 Discussion and Q&A

Panel Discussion (Part I)

Moderator: Wang Mingxian

Wang Mingxian is the deputy director of the Architecture Research Institute at Chinese National Academy of Arts.


Che Fei

Che Fei is the head architect of Beijing architectural firm CU Office. His essays have been published in many architecture magazines. His first book, Concussion, came out in 2009.

Li Qi

Li Qi is a professor at Peking University; deputy director of the Institute of Digital China, Peking University; and director of the Smart City Research Center, Peking University.

Zhu Jiaguang

Zhu Jiaguang is the former chief planner of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning.

Panel Discussion (Part II)

Moderator: Shi Jian

Shi Jian is a curator and architecture critic.


Che Fei

Che Fei is the head architect of Beijing architectural firm CU Office. His essays have been published in many architecture magazines. His first book, Concussion, came out in 2009.

Cao Xiaoxin

Cao Xiaoxin is deputy chief architect of the China Architecture Design and Research Group.

Tang Keyang

Tang Keyang is an architect and the curator of the China Pavilion at the 2010 Venice Biennale of Architecture.

Wang Min’an

Wang Min’an is a philosopher and professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University.


Goethe-Institut China

CU Office