UCCA Beijing


19:00 - 21:00

Location:  UCCA Auditorium
Language:  English


TEDxChange 2012 has now been confirmed for Berlin, Germany and will take place on Thursday, April 5, at 5:30pm(GMT+1). It will be a 90-minute program, convened by Melinda French Gates and hosted by Chris Anderson.
Together with TEDxFactory798, UCCA will be screening the record of this conference, take a step back and look at the big picture: Why should we, as a society, continue to invest in global health and development? How can we work across borders and political boundaries to make positive change? And what returns can we expect on our investments? Learn more here: http://www.ted.com/pages/tedxchange_overview

*Reservations required.
From Tuesday to Friday 11:00-18:00 please call +86 10 57800200 to book. Please note that you can only book 1 seat at a time.
Members can also book by emailing: members@
*Share this event: http://www.tanghooloo.com/pub/4515


Chris Anderson is the curator of the TED Conference, a conference that explores the power of ideas to make a difference in the world. Under his stewardship, over 1000 TED talks have been released free online to a global audience and the TEDx program has allowed hundreds of independently organized TED-like events to be held around the world.

Jeff Chapin is a mechanical engineer and product designer for IDEO. He specializes in designing sanitation solutions for the developing world, and has conducted projects in both Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Jeff will challenge traditional perceptions of ‘design’ by emphasizing the importance of sustainable, market-based systems for developing societies.

Melinda Gates serves as co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She helps to shape and approve foundation strategies, review results, advocate for the foundation’s issues, and help set the overall direction of the organization. Melinda will discuss family planning and how the ability to plan can change the lives of women and their families and improve whole societies.

Sven Giegold is a Member of the European Parliament and one of the founding members of Attac Germany. Sven has dedicated much of his career towards green industry issues. He will talk about the power of collective action, and how the actions of individuals, communities and progressive business can lead to critical changes at a national and international level.