UCCA Beijing

UCCA Reading Project
When Development is the Theme of an Era
The Main Road: Chronicle of a Chinese Highway


Location:  Auditorium
Language:  Chinese only

The Main Road: Chronicle of a Chinese Highway is a meditation on the current era of rapid urban development. Filmmaker and author Zhang Zanbo spent three years lurking in a highway construction site in his hometown in Hunan province where he made contact with migrant workers, contractors, construction supervisors, local villagers and officials engaged with a local construction company. With camera and pen, Zhang Zanbo tells the story of a village changed by the times, the murky truths of the construction industry, and the cost of the country's development. Zhang Zanbo and art critic Li Xianting share more about the lives of those documented.

Ticketing: Free

*Reservations required.

Space is limited. Please call +86 10 5780 0200 from Tuesday to Friday 11:00-18:00 to book. Please note that you may only book one person at a time.


14:00-15:35 Screening of The Main Road

15:35-17:00 Discussion


Zhang Zanbo (Filmmaker, Director)

Chinese independent filmmaker, director, screenwriter, Zhang Zanbo graduated from the Beijing Film Academy in 2015. With dozens of published articles, Zhang works include Fallen from the Sky, A Song of Love, Maybe, and June.

Li Xianting (Art Critic)

Art critic, art theorist, editor, and curator

Introduction of the documentary The Main Road

A highway is waiting to go through a quiet village in Hunan province, central China. Numbers of migrants workers, their lives spent on the road, come in like a tide, paying in blood and sweat to fill temporary positions. With their arrival, local villagers and peasants are forced to face land acquisition and house relocation. Connected through life, the workers and local villagers play out questions of morality, the hidden rules of road construction unveiled.

Director: Zhang Zanbo

Producer: Richard Liang

Genre: Documentary

Language: Mandarin and Hunan dialect

Year: 2015

Runtime: 95 mins.