UCCA Beijing

UCCA Reading Series: After Party and Urban Literature

14:00 - 15:30

Location:  UCCA La Suite
Language:  Chinese only


Life is a trap--if you jump, I’ll jump.What better time to read about real faces of city life and what’s on the mind of city youths than now?Urban life is essentially a big party—behind the repetitive and unending sunrise and sundown, Rocky Chow, the author of After Party, invites you to open up your senses to listen to the inner voices of urbanites.Using these voices as guidance, readers despite their background will comprehend and identify with the emotion and growth of the newer generation of urban dwellers.

Between the lines in After Party, Rocky provides a new and sincere perspective of urban life.This short story collection is not a cold judgmental piece or an artificial salute to diurnal banality.It is more like a warm embrace from an old friend.Loved ones, forgotten views and fate are once again re-discovered within the pages of After Party.

After party—is it the finale of a tiring long night or the residue of a series of elation? We invite the up-and-coming popular author Rocky to talk about free young souls and living in this urban jungle.


Rocky Chow has graduated with Master of Arts from Communication University of China.He can be labeled as the 80er’s, multimedia-cross over specialist.Visual arts, fashion magazines, art agencies are but a few fields that he has been involved in.Many regard his words as simple but intriguing, and filled with illusions and imaginations.He is now residing in Beijing.